







"Journal of Taiwan Languages and Literature."



Long-term Call for Papers


"Journal of Taiwan Languages and Literature" won second place in the Linguistics category of the 2020 National Library "Taiwan Academic Resources Impact" Journal Real-time Communication Award, and is included in the Humanities Core Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology. This journal is an academic annual journal with a double-anonymous review mechanism, and it is available for review and accepts submissions throughout the year. This journal publishes academic papers related to Taiwanese languages (including Taiwanese, Hakka, Formosan, Mandarin or other languages in Taiwan), and language-related texts, literature, culture and other papers or book reviews are also welcome.

"Journal of Taiwan Languages and Literature" publishes one volume and two issues each year in April and October respectively. Contributions must include the full text of the paper and the contributor's information sheet. The submission method and paper format can be found on the website of this journal: http://www.twlls.org.tw/jtll/callForPaper_notice.php, and contributions are welcome!


主編 連金發 Liân Kim-huat(國立清華大學語言所,本會理事)

副主編 江敏華 Kang Bín-huâ(中研院語言所,本會理事長)

執行編輯 陳麗君 Tân Lē-kun(國立成功大學台灣文學系)

編輯助理 邱偉欣 Khu Uí-him   (國立成功大學台灣文學所博士生)
